Monday, August 27, 2012

Read 180

Teacher: Mrs. Eck

Room: 210 Ext: 52210

Course Overview:

Read 180 is a research-based reading intervention program with a proven track record of delivering measurable learning gains to the struggling reader. The program is designed to accelerate reading achievement with students who are reading below grade level.
Daily Activities:

Students will follow the same routine in Read 180 each day. Class time is divided as follows:
  • Whole Class Meeting
  • Rotations
    • Students will rotate through three stations
      • Individualized Computer Software (15 Minutes)
      • Small Group Instruction (15 Minutes)
      • Independent Reading (15 Minutes)
  • Whole Class Meeting
Classroom Expectations:
  • Come to class prepared with books, papers, pencil, and all other supplies necessary.
  • Focus on the given task, discussion, assignment, etc... in each class period.
  • Participate in a positive way several times a day.
  • Complete all reading assignments and materials.
  • Respect yourself and others in the classroom.
  • Be prepared to work hard and demonstrate an understanding of materials.
  • Avoid complaining.
  • Daily participation on the computer, in small group, in silent reading, and in whole class time.
  • There will rarely be homework in Read 180. However, if there is, I do accept late work. As long as the assignment is submitted within the same grading period that it was assigned, and it is signed by a parent, I will accept your work with a 25% grade deduction.

All students will use the Read 180 rBook for reading and writing activities.

I check my email ( regularly and that is the best way to contact me. For more information please visit my website ( where you can find specific information about each of the three stations in Read 180, including the grading format for independent reading.